A Brick-By-Brick Strategy to 7 Figure Income

Build a sturdy author 'house' with little to no cost that provides durable and enduring ways to grow your self-publishing income to 7 figures. How about going on vacation and STILL making money?

No expense brand build + growing income + less work = THRIFTY!

Why does this class differ from others? Everything I teach is either completely free or nominal cost.


How Do I Build My Author Brand Strategy to Earn 7 Figures?

When my Facebook ad account was shut down, I had to learn how to sell books WITHOUT paid ads. I needed a solid strategy so that I could handle the wild whims of ever-changing self-publishing. A strong foundation.

That’s when I started building my personal author branding strategies—brick-by-brick—I share in this course. It changed EVERYTHING for me!

It can work for you too.

You, too, can algorithm-proof your publishing career and avoid high priced paid ads with these simple and cost effective strategies!

If your writing is a hobby and your books are your 'babies,' this class may not be for you. But if you want to learn how to earn 7 figures without spending a fortune... or anything at all, you're in the right place!

With over 3 years of Thrifty Tips in the Thrifty Tips For Authors group on Facebook, I've shared free or thrifty ways to brand, market, publish, write, promote and THINK about selling books... without spending a fortune.

So why do I love being thrifty? Because I can go from newbie to 7 figure author without spending a fortune! You can, too! I'll show you how.

Answer these questions to see if this class is right for you! Are you...

◻ Self-published or hybrid published?

◻ Overwhelmed?

◻ Feeling out of control?

◻ Totally lost in a sea of information?

◻ Not sure if you're spending money on things that matter?

◻ Tired of spending money to make money?

◻ Hoping you don't goof and lose advertising or social media access?

Stuck on an income plateau?

Lost on where... and how to publish in foreign markets?

◻ Trying to stay up on the latest publishing trends before they change...again?

◻ Tired of taking your laptop on vacation because you have author work to tackle?

If you said yes to one or all of them, you're not alone. I've been there, too!

No matter if you're a newbie author or are multi-published, self-publishing is hard! This course shows you, using the brick-by-brick method, how to make it easy and reach your 7 figure potential!


Ditch that author house of straw that won't withstand the whims of self-publishing!

Build something solid and enduring.

It's time to simplify, become more efficient and grow... with low-cost and FREE strategies.


Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Brick #13 - Translations!
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Pull out your hard hat!
In this course, you will learn:

  • How to sell more books without relying on paid ads or promotions
  • How to stop wasting time and money on tactics that don’t work (or aren’t enduring)
  • How to get organized so you’re more efficient, which means more time to do the things you want
  • How to identify ways to grow your book sales and reach more readers
  • How to get readers to one-click your books
  • How it’s possible to write less and make more
  • How to publish to foreign markets via translations
  • How it's possible to make $20k without writing a book

Building Tools Include:

  • 10+ hours of video learning
  • Printable worksheets (PDF)
  • Editable spreadsheet templates to power up your data tracking
  • Access to the private and exclusive Brick-By-Brick Author Brand Strategy Facebook group to connect with fellow builders
  • Lifetime access to course and all future updates
  • Over three years of Thrifty Tips For Authors Facebook group posts, including access to comment threads and discussions

Brick-By-Brick to 7 Figures!

Read how this course has helped others build their author houses brick-by-brick... to or toward a million dollar income.

Ines Johnson

Using Vanessa’s box method has allowed me to work less and make more simply by doing more with the intellectual property I’d already created. When I release I don’t need to achieve a high ranking on Amazon because I earn high revenue and maximize my books into as many formats as I can make available.

Elana Johnson

Vanessa has such a vast knowledge of Indie publishing. Whenever I see a post from her or talk to her, I learn something. Her methods are straightforward and simple, and they make my checklist heart happy.

Renee Rose

Using Vanessa's box method I doubled my income and reduced my ad expense by 50 percent in one year!

Natalie Dean

Vanessa's class was amazing. I'd highly recommend it to both new and experienced authors. It's not a "How to do ads" or "How to publish" type of class. It's more of a business minded class, which I think is an area many authors struggle with. I've gone back and tightened up my branding, auto-responders, spreadsheets, the way I plan my series out and more with this class. Without a doubt, my "brand" is looking better and I'm geared to be a more successful author after taking it.

Cynthia Woolf

Vanessa’s box method and this course have been so beneficial. I learned everything from presenting your book for success to pricing your book in all markets consistently. The thing I appreciated most was that with her box method, it doesn't matter what genre you write for her method to work. It works as well for me and my sweet western romances to Vanessa’s super spicy books. And it will work not just for romance but for mysteries, women’s fiction, thrillers. Every genre you can think of will benefit from her methods. I highly recommend this course. It’s worth its weight in gold.

Brick-By-Brick To 7 Figure Income
Class -


  • Access to all modules (including translations!)
  • 10+ hours of video learning
  • Exclusive downloadable worksheets & editable sample spreadsheets
  • Access to EXCLUSIVE Brick-by-Brick: Your Author Brand Strategy Facebook group
  • Access to open Thrifty Tips For Authors Facebook group
  • Lifetime access to course and all updates


Vanessa Vale

Within five years, Vanessa forged two pen names from scratch to seven figures—each using the strategies and techniques in the Thrifty Tips For Authors class. The beginnings of this program came when she was banned from Facebook ads, forcing her to develop strong branding and marketing steps that are enduring and withstand the changes and whims of the publishing industry.

She is still the go-to author for steamy small town romances, however has retired from her second pen name. The enduring Interstellar Brides Program is left in the capable and amazing hands of her BFF co-author.

Her Thrifty Tips for Authors group has over 3,400 members.


When does this course start and end?

This course is self-paced so you can build your bricks on a schedule that works for you. You will have forever access to the class with your one-time purchase, including any content or recorded video call updates or additions.

I'm a successful author. Is this course for me?

Congrats and yes! There's always something more to learn, right? I'm not only teaching 'do this' activities, but concepts that help you become more efficient—which not only means more time to write, but that you can make more money while working less. Plus, if you've already got several/lots of books published, this means you've got a backlist you can power up... right away!

You're a romance author. I'm not. How can you still help?

Some topics and content do lean toward the romance genre and sub-genres. However, the concepts will work whether you write space opera or cozy mystery as well.

I'm published exclusively with Kindle Unlimited. Will this class help me?

I'm a Wide author (meaning I don't exclusively publish with Amazon through their subscription program) so my marketing strategy encompasses EVERYTHING I've jammed into this course.

This class is useful for any author, regardless of where books are published. No matter whether you're in KU or Wide, you need a solid foundation made up of enduring marketing bricks and more. Right? So this is a class for everyone!

I just signed up. Now what?

The course will be delivered all at once and you may work through it at your own pace, either fast or slow or somewhere in between!